Artemis Hospital
Sector 51, Gurgaon
Faculty Status as on 03-05-2024 09:07:34
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Existing Faculty for DrNB - Cardiology Programme:

Name of the Faculty with Qualification Faculty Position in the Department as per Extant NBE norms Remarks, if any
Dr. Kuldeep Arora
MBBS Bachelors of Medicine and Bachelors of Surgery (1999); MD Medicine (2002); DM Cardiology (2007);
Sr. Consultant
Dr. Manjinder Sandhu
MBBS Bachelors of Medicine and Bachelors of Surgery (1986); MD Medicine (1993); DNB Medicine (1993); DM Cardiology (1999);
Sr. Consultant

* Disclaimer: Faculty status in the department as mentioned above for a specific admission session/accreditation cycle is based on information submitted by the hospital to NBE in its applications/compliance reports/annual review time to time and the asseessent report submitted by the NBE appointed assessor. The faculty status may, however, change in department due to joining/resignation/superannuation of consultant(s).

The information displayed above is system generated. Information contained in the official records of NBE shall be final.